Foss Conservation Session: York St John - Huntington Road Footbridge

Help us improve the area of the Foss, just off Huntington Road where we will be improving the riverbanks, making the habitat better for wildlife. 

Meet at the footbridge directly opposite 350 Huntington Road (, where we will be doing a spring mow on the top tier of the riverbank. Any problems on the day call Maria on 07912432826. 

Please read the following risk assessment and follow this guidance during the session: 
Scything Risk Assessment 2024 
Working Near Water Risk Assessment 2024

Outdoor clothing and sturdy footwear recommended. 
This is a drop in session so no need to book! 

Under 13s need to be accompanied by an adult and under 16s need parental consent if not accompanied by an adult. Download a Parental Consent Form and email it to the listed contact for this session. 

Scything Foss riverbank