Nature Based Wellbeing and Education

At St Nicks we all see and feel the benefits of being outdoors and connected to nature. These benefits can be physical, mental or a combination of both!

Lots of science and research shows us how this works, but the most effective way to find out what we mean is to give it a try yourself. Go take a walk, head outside with your lunch, do a spot of gardening or just sit quietly with the birdsong and the trees. You may find your spirits lift and the colour return to your cheeks.

Our Nature-Based Wellbeing team run a series of Ecotherapy groups to help adults find this nature-connectedness. 92% of Ecotherapy participants told us that these activities meant that they noticed and sought out nature more in their daily lives.

Research tells us that children’s wellbeing increases after they have spent time connecting with nature. It has also been shown that adults who experience low levels of nature in childhood can suffer from worse mental health than those that spent more time in nature as children. We believe in building a love for nature and a sense of belonging in the outdoors from an early age. We organise a range of children’s activities and educational experiences.