Kidical Mass Cycle Campaign
2pm saw the arrival of 100 cyclists of all ages. The Autumn Fayre marked the finish line for York Cycle Campaigns, “Kidical mass” social cycle ride. YCC encourages York residents to ditch the car and get outside, as well as highlighting the benefits cycling can have on our bodies and the environment.
Apple juice, bakes and booze.
The fun didn’t just stop in the meadow! At the Environment Centre, Abundance York and hard-working volunteers offered freshly pressed apple juice. Over eight crates of apples were juiced in our press, with nothing going to waste as the pulp will be used to feed local live stock. Big thank you to our juicers and everyone that picked and donated so many apples: the juicers enjoyed trialling which varieties tasted best.
In the hall, there were bakes to buy and delicious soup kindly made by Joe from Food Circle, which was served with fresh Haxby Bakehouse bread, yum! So tasty that we sold out within the first two hours. Martha enticed many from the hot drinks queue into having a go on the Tombola, which saw many happy prize winners and raised a brilliant amount in donations. Win, win!
Along with homemade produce, there were beer offerings from Malton– based brewery, Brass Castle and Yorkshire cider from Colemans.

Garden activities and walks
Our Ecotherapy team delivered a fantastic recycled poetry and nature writing session. Meanwhile next door, our judges Joan and Jean over saw the annual Longest Peel competition. Congratulations to our winners Ayse Kaban-Bowers (peeling 83.75 inches) and junior winner Kai, who managed 21.38 inches.
The recycling team ran their popular “Sort it!” challenges throughout the day, putting recycling skills to the test, against the clock.
This year we were able to offer four walks, all covering a range of topics and providing opportunities to learn more about St Nicks nature and mindfulness practice. Carl Wain gave an informative introduction to foraging, which 40 people took part in. Storyteller and writer Pat Ryan combined folklore with science and led two mesmerising story telling sessions about trees. These were kindly provided through the Branching Out Project, which uncovers the social and cultural values of urban trees.
Community stalls
The Autumn Fayre provides a wonderful opportunity to connect people with York’s local businesses, community groups and organisations who are focused on sustainability and the environment. Many thanks to all our stallholders;
Fulford Community Orchard i-travel York Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
York Community Energy Abundance Global Justice Now York
Sustrans Blueberry Academy SF Innovations Creative Avenue York
Special thanks
Last but not least, we would also like to thank the following for supporting the event in other ways, we could not have done it without you:
All those who helped put the event on, volunteered or contributed in any way!