Upcoming Tree Works on St Nicks Nature Reserve - Winter 2024

There are some changes planned around the St Nicks Nature Reserve. Since the first trees were planted in the 1990’s, the site has developed and as such, ongoing management is required as the habitats continue to mature.

We recently contracted a qualified Tree Inspector to conduct a site survey of the trees. The tree inspection revealed that as some of the trees have aged, they have developed rot, deadwood and in some instances fungal growths that have compromised the structure of the tree and therefore may pose a risk to public safety. Following on from this inspection, we have scheduled tree felling works booked onsite for the coming weeks and months. The work will be carried out in-house and by a professional tree company to keep this local, community green space accessible and so all our site visitors can continue to enjoy the reserve safely.

Where it is safe and appropriate to do so, we will be leaving some deadwood on the reserve as it creates unique habitats for wildlife. We will do this either through leaving some standing deadwood or through the creation of habitat piles from the felled timber, leaving this on the woodland floor. The standing deadwood will allow potential nesting sites for local bat and bird populations and the deadwood habitat piles will create valuable feeding grounds for beetles, cover for small mammals and fantastic displays of fungi in the autumn months.
Please be aware that there may be some disruption on the reserve and path closures on certain days when the works are being carried out.

Thank you for your understanding and support in helping us to continue to manage the reserve for the benefit of people and wildlife.