£5 a month or £55 per annum
Become a member
We want York to be the most eco-friendly city in the world, where nature and people thrive side by side. Over the last 20 years, our supporters have helped us carve out this green heart of York. Our home is a nature reserve built on a former landfill site which now bursts with wildlife. Our environmental projects promote sustainability and protect both York's wildlife and people's mental health. Working together, we can make sure everyone benefits from the natural spaces in our city.
By becoming a member, you will:
- join thousands of other people who believe in the power of nature to create a better world
- protect York's wildlife and green spaces for future generations
- invest in your local community, helping our projects that benefit everyone in York
Sole adult membership
Joint adult membership
£9 a month or £100 per annum
Family membership
(Two adult parents and up to four children)
£10 a month or £110 per annum
Corporate membership
£250 per annum
As a member you will also receive:
- St Nicks' quarterly newsletter, which will keep you updated on all of our activities
- voting rights in our Annual General Meetings
We consulted our members to better understand what our offer should include and the messages were very clear – keep it simple and avoid gimmicks:
“the value of the organisation is what really matters.”
“I don’t need anything else in terms of an ‘offer’ in exchange for my membership.”
"I’m happy to know the team at St Nicks are getting on with looking after it. That’s what drew me to become a member.”
“One of the things I like is not getting glossy magazines in the post and emails filling my inbox, which I never read, like I do from other charities.”
£5 a month will help us to...
- plant and care for one metre of a species-rich hedgerow
- fund a free space for a child at our Nature Adventurers club
£10 a month will help us to...
- sow 1m2 of wildflowers to improve grassland biodiversity in York's green spaces
- provide tools and equipment for our volunteer groups
£15 a month will help us to...
- plant and care for aquatic and riverside plants to support the wildlife in our local streams
£20 a month will help us to...
- provide a place in one of our Ecotherapy groups
- plant and care for young understory trees on our reserve and other green spaces in York
£50 a month will help us to...
- create and manage a patch of tansy habitat on one of York's rivers
- provide one-to-one mentoring for an Ecotherapy participant