Eco Homes Cafe: Show and Tell

Is there one thing or gadget that has made a difference to the comfort and/or running costs of your home? Bring it (or photos of it) along and share the story - no matter how big or small - or simply come to listen.

Join us from 6:30pm for light refreshments or 7pm start of short presentations and table discussions

Eco home retrofit measures like insulation, draught-proofing or heat pumps can improve comfort and reduce energy bills along with your carbon footprint - if done well. Retrofitting is not a simple process though so it's good to learn from other people's experiences. Come along to share yours or to just pick up tips for your project - whichever part of the journey you're on, we welcome total beginners as well as those further along the way towards a cozy, retrofitted home.

Lined up so far we have short talks on chimney draught excluders, DIY insulation of a protruding box window and a leaking kitchen roof replacement with a "warm" flat roof. If possible, please get in touch with Ivana on 07966 720347 or email us if you'd like to share your story so we can add it to the list and help you prepare. Low carbon technology examples particularly welcome.

This event is part of the ‘York Open Eco Homes’ series by St Nicks and York Community Energy.

Booking is recommended: see EventBrite for tickets.

Entry is free, donations for refreshments and towards room hire are welcome.